The Cloud
Cloud Solutions
Take your organization’s data off-site and into the cloud freeing up all that space your servers take and the worries associated with backups, power-outages, remote access, and data-loss. All of these resources (including your time, effort, and stress) should be better suited to your organization, not your technology.
The advantages of going into the Cloud with TCom TDM
Our work with a variety of cloud based solutions will enable you to take your data off site and make it accessible from anywhere you are! Since we do not host any of our own Cloud Services, we are more able to be objective in finding you the solution that most fits your organization.
Getting it right the first time
Let us help you find the right Cloud Solution to move your files, emails, website, or database driven applications into. If we are not the ones to move your organization into the Cloud, make sure whoever you work with offers an SLA that includes what they consider an acceptable downtime per month. Also, make sure that along with an ingress plan, they provide you with an egress plan to leave the Cloud when you are ready – there is a reason they say “Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail”.